Faces - The Window To Our Soul
Im a huge people watcher and faces, espescially the eyes absolutely fascinate me. The lines that we have earned are part of who we are and as we grow our appearance is modified by the experiences we have in life. A persons eyes, their smile and energy that is portrayed when you capture the shot correctly is, in my opinion, extremely captivating.
Portrait photography is bloody hard. I use a 50mm lens to capture most of these images and that means getting up close and personal with someone, usually a stranger. Think about how hard it is to approach someone in the street and start talking to them let alone asking them if you can get up close and take their picture. I get a lot of knock backs and as you can see it is mostly males who let me take their picture.
I’ve practiced taking this type of image for years after coming across the work of Lee Jeffries who is my favourite portrait photographer. I’ve just gained so much motivation and inspiration from his work which is a true sign of one photographers appreciation of anothers work. These images are obviously my representation and style in a similiar nauture to his. It’s only been this year, 2023, where I have been happy enough with the quality of my images to start sharing them. You only have seconds to get the composition right and make sure focus is correct, these a certain process and it’s very trick to do quickly. Start hanging around with the camera in someones face and you loose the moment.
Lately I have found that a great place to capture these images is at festivals and events. People seem much more willing to let you capture them when they are part of a larger crowd. If you’re hosting an evet, hit me up as I’m looking for more opportunity to build on the portfolio/